Chicken Soup by Tanya

Shred the chicken into tiny tiny pieces and let them simmer in two cans of coconut milk.

When the chicken turns white, add:
- Tumeric
- Santa Maria Tandoori mix (yes haha, I was out of my own homemade curry mix)
...- Salt (I used hawaiian salt and red salt)
- Black pepper
- Diced garlic (tiny tiny dice)
- Diced red bell pepper (also really tiny dice)
- Haricot verts
- Butter

And let it simmer until you feel like it's done :)

Tanya: I usually make it when I feel like I'm getting a cold or something along those lines. It's supposed to have anti-inflammatory effects (the chicken and the tumeric especially). Perhaps the garlic too.

The plan is to make it tonight :D!


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