Raspberry Chocolate Mousse

Serves 4

2 dl raspberries, (goes well with frozen)
2 dl whipping cream
200 g dark chocolate, 70%
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp brown sugar
possibly a dash of rum

1. Mash raspberries with a fork (Save a few nice raspberries for garnish.). Mix with sugar.
2 Break the chocolate into a bowl and melt it in a water bath. I usually microwave it for 3 minutes on medium or low.
3. Whip cream until stiff and mix in the mashed raspberries.
4. Stir in egg yolks one at a time into the melted chocolate.
5. Stir in raspberry cream into the chocolate batter
6. Pour out the mousse into four cups or glasses.
7. Let stand one hour in refrigerator.
8. Before serving garnish with raspberries and maybe a few leaves of mint if you have it.


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