Lussekatter for Lucia!

1.5 tbsp of dry yeast
75 grams of butter
1 cup milk (I used lactaid and it was fine!)
3/4 cup quark (I used the unflavored but I like the vanilla flavored one better)
1/2 tsp saffron
3 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
6 cup all purpose flour
1 egg for the wash

1. Add the dry yeast to a mixing bowl.
2. Heat up the butter and the milk in a pan, mix so that the butter is dissolved and milk is warm to touch (but not hot).
3. Pour this butter milk mixture onto the dry yeast, mix and let sit for 10 minutes. The yeast will activate and the mix will start to foam.
4. After 10 minutes, remix the solution so that it is smooth and add in saffron, quark, sugar and salt. Mix well.
5. Add in most of the flour and work with your hands until it releases from the edges and is smooth.
6. Cover with a wet cloth and let it sit for half and hour. It should approximately double in size.
7. After the 30 minutes, place the dough on a lightly floured surface and work the dough until it is smooth and shiny. 
8. Roll the dough into a log and portion into 20 equally sized portions.
9. Take one portion, roll into a 20cm long cylindrical strip and curl two ends in different directions to form the 8 shape.
10. Lay out on baking trays. on cookie sheets, leaving room between the katter as they will expand.
11. Paint each katt with a whipped egg wash. Cover the tray with a wet cloth and let rise for 30 minutes- the katter will approximately double in size.
12. Dot the two ends of the katter with soaked raisins.
13. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 350F, paying attention that the bottoms dont get burnt and the tops get a nice gold color. 

Delish! I have had versions where they work in some marsupan and those are delicious but I haven't tried making them yet. Next time!


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