Kachchi Biriyani

Mutton/Goat/Lamb 2 kg
Basmati Rice 1 kg
Clarified Butter/Ghee 3/4 cups
Potatoes 3 large
2 onions sliced
Ginger paste 2 tablespoon
Garlic paste 2 teaspoon
Radhuni Biryani Masala Mix 1/2 pack
Ground Cumin 1 tablespoon
Crushed Red Peppers 6
Yogurt 1 cup
Red and Yellow Color slight
Rosewater 2 tablespoons
Kewra Water 2 tablespoons
Salt 2 tablespoon
Oil 1/2 cup

Wash meat, put salt and keep for 30minutes. Wash again.

Mix color and coat potato pieces with it. Then fry the potatoes till brownish in oil. Set aside.

In the potato fry oil, fry onions till brown in ghee and set it aside. Crush the fried onions when cool.

Take meat in the dish you will cook in, add ginger, garlic, onion, cumin, Radhuni spice, yogurt, rose and kewra water and mix well. Put potatoes on top of meat. Put the onion fry oil.

Wash and drain the rice. Boil 12 cups of water, add salt and add rice to it. As soon as rice starts boiling, pour the water in another pot and keep it. Take one cup of water from the rice water and put 0.5 cup of ghee in the water and put this in the meat and mix. Then spread the rice over the meat. Mix the rest of the ghee with the rice water and put the water in the pot so that the water is in level with rice, not below or above. Cover it with aluminum foil. Take the food color remaining from potatoes and put 4/5 spoonfuls of colored water in a scattered way.

Heat oven to 350 Fahrenheit . Keep in the oven for 3 hours. Sometimes the rice near the top dries up too much. After 2 hours of cooking, I flipped rice on top with the rice below. Be careful not to mix up the meat layer though.

This makes for 8-10 people.


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